Sunday, January 27, 2013


Grand Opening!

My Etsy Shop, Cat In The Corner, is now open. I have some items in the shop already, and some more that I'm finishing up to post, so by the end of today, or sometime tomorrow, there will be three more items in the shop.

Eventually, I will get a lovely banner at the top of my shop, so that it looks really cool and professional. Or at least, cute. Won't that be fun!?!

Right now there's only Doctor Who stuff in the shop, because that's what my family's been into, so I've been making a lot of that. However, I've also got a Phantom of the Opera idea in my head, and of course, wee writing dragons and flowers, and things like that. 

Until next time, I'll talk to you later! Hoopla and hurrah, and all that craziness. :)

God bless! Thanks for tuning in.



  1. Cat in the Corner! That is an awesome name!

  2. Ooooo, very nice, Cat! Wishing you all the best with the new endeavor =)

  3. A shoppe is fun!!! I am going to look around it and show Jack too.

    Yes, Columbo is very good. I told Jack about Leverage and she said we will look for it after we finish some others we are in the middle of. She likes to read lots of books at once but doesn't like to watch lots of movies at once. She is weird.

    1. I understand. I like to finish a TV show before I start on a new one. Sometimes, though, it's not possible. Especially when you have sisters nagging you to watch Doctor Who AND Leverage at the same time!

  4. YAY! I'm so glad you're doing this, Cat. Your stuff is really awesome. It's all very cool. *Smirk.*

    1. Thank you muchly! It's like having my own private fan club. It's very cool. :)


See my comment box? Want to know a secret?

*whispers* It's actually a TARDIS comment box! If you write long enough, you'll see... it's bigger on the inside!

Isn't that cool?

Now that you know that, aren't you going to throw a comment in there? You KNOW you want to. :)

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