Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hey look, it's still June!

Hey, yo!

Me and life, we've been sort of eying things in a not-so-friendly manner.
Dean sneer.

I have been writing when I can, working at the flower shop a couple days a week, and doing my transcription internship, which, by the way, is jolly interesting.  But it's keeping me busy.  Like, "I-have-no-life!-*weeps*" busy.
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Anyway, so there's this TV show Treskie and I started watching last month.  (We finished the last episode two nights ago.  Sorrows!)  Me and Treskie usually plugged in our earphones into my laptop at around 10:00 pm and, depending on how intense the cliffhangers are, watched anywhere between two and five episodes.
Obsessively fangirling

The show is called Prison Break, and I gotta say, I didn't expect to love it as much as I did.  There are only four seasons, but wow!  Pretty much every episode ends with this intense "What happens NEXT?!" kind of cliffhanger, and you end up struggling to decide whether you can spare 45 minutes on another episode, or if you really need more than five hours of sleep.
I confess... I do this.


The basic premise of the series is this:  The main character, Michael Scofield, gets himself arrested and incarcerated in Fox River Penitentiary where his older brother, Lincoln Burrows, is being held for the murder of the Vice President's brother.  Michael knows Lincoln is innocent of the murder, and he is willing to do anything, and give up everything, in order to break his brother out of prison. He gets a tattoo that holds the blueprints to the prison, as well as clues for how he is going to carry out the escape, and he has only about three weeks to accomplish this, because Linc is on death row and, if Michael fails to perform the escape, Lincoln will be executed.

Le Epic Tattoo

I'm not going to say much more than that because I don't want to give away spoilers of what the other three seasons are about.

Suffice it to say, this show is awesome for the fact that it is full of brotherly moments...
Michael and Linc
Brother Hug
Laughing! Awwww.

The nicest friendship story...
Michael and Sucre
Sucre and Michael
Prison bros

A family story...
Linc and LJ
Linc and LJ... again
The family... ish.

A flavorful cast of characters...
John Abruzzi, mob boss
Charles "DB Cooper" Westmore
C-Note... meh
Creeeeeeeeepy T-bag!
James Whistler

One of the best romances I've seen in a long time...
Whatever, I ship it!
Michael and Sara
That smile of hers...

One of the best female characters I've seen for awhile...

Horrifically BAD bad guys...

Bad guys turned good guys...
Seriously, the character arc on these two was incredible.

And best of all, faith.

Michael and Linc

The show also features an origami crane.  According to Michael, the crane stands for familial obligation.  Since Linc took care of him when he was little (after his mom died and his dad vanished), Michael now feels it is familial obligation to take care of Linc... specifically, breaking him out of prison.
Origami crane

Throughout the show Michael pulls out these little folded birds and uses them to aid in his escape plan.  So, I spent an obsessive morning learning how to fold them.

Obsessive might be too mild a word.  I made a bunch, and one of them is now in my car.

So, that's what I've been up to in the wee hours of the night/morning for these last few weeks.  I have a blog tag that Bella nominated me for, and that will get done eventually, but in the meanwhile I hope you give Prison Break a watch.

As a warning, it does contain some unexpected violent bits, some offish bits (mostly with T-bag) and the occasional scene (mostly between Sucre and Maricruz), but the overall portrayal of faith, forgiveness, duty, familial obligation and sacrifice are awesome.  The character development throughout the show is awesome as well.  There are some people you start out HATING entirely, and end up becoming ridiculously fond of later.  The baddies get progressively badder, and you sit there waiting for them to DIE.  The endings are, for the most part, cliffhangerish.  Be warned.

Overall, this has swiftly become one of my favourite TV shows ever.  Totally a five-star show.

God bless, youse all!



  1. I saw a couple of episodes, but couldn't get into it.

    24 was my binge watching addiction.

  2. MICHAEL!!!!







    I CAN NOT EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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*whispers* It's actually a TARDIS comment box! If you write long enough, you'll see... it's bigger on the inside!

Isn't that cool?

Now that you know that, aren't you going to throw a comment in there? You KNOW you want to. :)

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