I got two awards. In one day!
I wonder why that is?
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Oh, this is why. Makes sense now. :) |
So first off, the Sunflower award.
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These are the rules. Since I am a rebel, I will do everything except nominate eleven other bloggers, 'cause all the eleven I'd nominate probably already received this anyway.
Rule the First: Share eleven facts about yourself.
Rule the Second: Answer the questions set by your nomination blogger.
Rule the Third: Nominate eleven bloggers.
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Yeah. That's not happening. I'll nominate SOME. |
Rule the Fourth: Set questions for the nominated bloggers.
SOOOOOO.... First off, here are Eleven Facts About Me.
1.) With my medical transcription training, I tend to double-space between periods now, in everything except novels I'm writing, 'cause for the most part Editors/Agents/Publishers don't like double-spacing.
2.) I love watching music videos.
3.) I have a hard time doing new things.
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4.) I usually run out of things to share around Number Four.
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5.) I get depressed with popular young adult fiction and go back to my staple diet of Diana Wynne Jones, Patricia McKillip, and Tolkien's Farmer Giles of Ham and Smith of Wootton Major.
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6.) I have taken to saying "Jeepers" a lot. Not sure where that came from.
7.) I don't even know how many books I own. I think there were a hundred on one bookshelf in my bedroom, and there's got to be five? six? maybe even ten times that amount in the closet... and on other bookshelves... and under the bed... and in other sisters' rooms.
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Mark Sheppard as Crowley |
8.) I find it amazing how many TV shows Mark Sheppard has played in.
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10.) Right now, one of my most favourite songs to listen to is POMPEII by BASTILLE.
11.) I want Josh Groban to do another Kid Snippets video NOW!
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Josh watches Kid Snippets, you guys! |
Now for the questions from Amanda and Bella.
1.) What's your favorite type of dog?
I freakin' LOVE German Shepherds! But, if we're talking smaller dogs, I'm into Border Collie/Cocker Spaniel mixes, and Shiba Inus.
2.) Do you sing along to Doctor Who's theme song?
I freakin' LOVE German Shepherds! But, if we're talking smaller dogs, I'm into Border Collie/Cocker Spaniel mixes, and Shiba Inus.
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Shiba Inus TOTALLY look like foxes... minus the tail. :) |
2.) Do you sing along to Doctor Who's theme song?
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6.) If you could choose a superhero name, what would you call yourself?
Hmmm.... I'd probably end up sticking with Cat. Ooh, I know. Panther. Cat Panther. That's my superhero name.
7.) You can travel back in your timeline, and only your timeline. What would you re-visit?
7.) You can travel back in your timeline, and only your timeline. What would you re-visit?
March 27th, 2007, August 24, 2011, and October 6, 2013... because those were the times we saw Josh Groban in CONCERT. And end of April to beginning of May 2013, 'cause that's when we went to Scotland. And every single Christmas Eve and Christmas in the history of my life.
There's Amanda's questions answered. Exciting, wasn't it?
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1) Do you like Daylight Savings Time?
I like when Daylight Savings Time ENDS, and we gain an hour. Otherwise I'm like:
2) What is one really good series which you have just discovered?
Book series? Um, how recently? I'd say The 100 Cupboards was good, though technically that's a trilogy and not really a series.
3) Are you a subtle fan-girl or more of a loud excited fangirl like me?
I believe I am subtle.
4) Hamburgers or Hot dogs?
Definitely hamburgers.
5) Do you like wearing sweaters or do you prefer hoodies?
I'm more of a sweater person. I'm not crazy about hoodies on myself, because I feel totally gangsta in them. However, I like hoodies on other people.
6) Do you like going out in the evening?
7) Did you ever play Truth or Dare and did you like it?
You mean Interrogation or Humiliation? *See question six's gif for your answer.*
I like when Daylight Savings Time ENDS, and we gain an hour. Otherwise I'm like:
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2) What is one really good series which you have just discovered?
Book series? Um, how recently? I'd say The 100 Cupboards was good, though technically that's a trilogy and not really a series.
3) Are you a subtle fan-girl or more of a loud excited fangirl like me?
I believe I am subtle.
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4) Hamburgers or Hot dogs?
Definitely hamburgers.
5) Do you like wearing sweaters or do you prefer hoodies?
I'm more of a sweater person. I'm not crazy about hoodies on myself, because I feel totally gangsta in them. However, I like hoodies on other people.
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6) Do you like going out in the evening?
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I hope you like the caption :-P |
7) Did you ever play Truth or Dare and did you like it?
You mean Interrogation or Humiliation? *See question six's gif for your answer.*
And that's the Sunflower Award! Thanks again to Amanda and Bella for the nomination!
I nominate:
John the Hedgehog
My questions for youse all:
1.) Do you prefer Arabic or Roman numerals?
2.) Do you watch My Little Ponies?
3.) What's the absolute stupidest thing you've ever done?
4.) What's your idea of the best car?
5.) What's the worst thing you can imagine?
6.) Do you know what gif stands for?
7.) Be honest... did you have to Google "gif" in order to answer question 6 intelligently?
Have fun! :)
And Now...
Drumroll, please...
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I also received the Liebster Award from Rose M.
Le Rules for Le Reward:
Uno: Acknowledge the blog that nominated you. Thank you, Rose from The Golden Road!
Dos: Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
Tres: List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition.
Quatro: Post 11 questions for them to answer.
Cinco: Notify them that they've been nominated.
1.) An anonymous someone drops a note on your front porch saying that they will fund a trip to either England, an African Safari, Prince Edward Island, or Italy. Which do you choose? Why?
Italy. Why? Because it's freakin' ITALY!
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2.) You're being forced to re-do your room. What color do you paint it?
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3.) Do you have a particular song that you listen to often, but it never seems to get old? If so, what is it?
Yes. Yes I do.
4.) Would you rather be lounging in the sun on the beach reading a good book or adventuring in the waves?
Ooh, choices, choices... I'd do both. Read a little in the sun, and go for a swim, and read a little in the sun, and go for a swim, and read a little in the sun, and... you get the picture, right?
5.) You suddenly end up with two twin kittens. One is a girl; one is a boy. What do you name them?
Sam and Jess.
6.) You're organizing a get together with friends. Would you choose a picnic or a movie night?
Definitely a movie night. Less small talk. LOL
7.) What is your pet peeve?
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8.) Is there a new hobby you've been wanting to try out?
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I fancy archery.
9.) If you could pick one instrument that you would (without any effort on your part) instantly master, which would you choose?
Pan pipes.
10.) Would you like to be snowed inside for a week?
*See John Watson gif used in Bella's question number 6.*
11.) Pick the closest book to you that you've read. Who is your favorite character in the book?
Right now, the book closest to me that I've read is The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, and my favourite character in that book is John Sebastian Farrell.
And now I nominate:
My questions for YOUSE all:
1.) What fandom do you "belong" to?
2.) Would you fight to the death someone who bashes one of your favourite characters?
3.) Would you use daggers for subtlety, or swords for an all-out "COME AT ME, BRO!" battle?
4.) What do you do when someone tells you that you have pepper in your teeth?
5.) To you, what's more awesome... climbing trees, or writing stories?
6.) Have you ever secretly wished you were a unicorn?
7.) When you drink tea, do you prefer a mug or a bone china cup?
8.) What's your opinion on Alka-Seltzer?
9.) If you are an Agents of SHIELD fan, or a Marvel fan, or just a superhero fan, which agent/superhero do you think you'd be?
10.) Do you have a lucky number?
11.) WHY do you have a lucky number?! (Those of you who replied No to question 10, Why DON'T you have a lucky number?!!
And that's that.
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Hope you all had fun with that, and we'll see you next time!
God bless!