Saturday, December 7, 2013

Six-Sentence Saturday 12/07/2013

Yesterday was a really nice day.  We celebrated St. Nicholas' Day with chocolate and wee gifties in the shoes, and watched Psych after dinner.  That's always fun, isn't it?



1.)  We might be going down to Reno today.


2.)  It did snow, so hopefully that won't deter us.

Come on, losers, we're going shopping!

3.)  Tomorrow is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is when the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without Original Sin on her soul.


4.)  We are going to sing the Mass for this feast. :)


5.)  We put our Christmas Tree up! It is so sparkly, you guys!

6.)  We watched Monster University last week. There is an adorable movie. :)


Pray we don't have too much snow! I want to go to Reno.

God bless!

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