Technically, Captain America should be the first of the films to watch, but I'm going to treat it as a "flashback" movie and stick it before the Avengers, because when Cap wakes up, a lot of the events in the first two Iron Man movies, the Hulk, and Thor have already taken place.
(Because I tend to love ALL the scenes from the movies, I'll limit myself to a total of five per movie - I'll aim for three, but I can go up to five. Does that seem fair? Thank you s' much.)
Iron Man 1:
When he's freakin' blacksmithing in captivity!!!
Since I've already fangirled over the part when Yinsen saves Tony, I'm not going to post that. Instead, I'll skip forward to the entire Gulmira scene, where Tony takes out a fleet of bad guys.
This scene, where Pepper has to replace the Arc Reactor...
When Dummy saves Tony...
Iron Man 2:
When he tries to be sweet and brings Pepper
strawberries, forgetting she's allergic to them.
When he rediscovers the Vibranium element that will not only make his
arc reactor more powerful, but will also stop it from poisoning him...
arc reactor more powerful, but will also stop it from poisoning him...
When Pepper finds out he was dying...
Tony and Rhodey's Bro Battle against the Hammer-Drones. :)
The Incredible Hulk:
(I have only watched The Incredible Hulk once, and this was after I'd seen The Avengers and had embraced Mark Ruffalo in the role of the Hulk. So, I didn't much care for Ed Norton as the Hulk, but he had some cute vulnerable scenes, and the movie overall had some good parts.)
The way he tries to control his blood pressure, so he doesn't go critical...
This pretty epic chase scene...
And that's really about it. (It wasn't my most favouritest Marvel movie in the whole wide world.)
When Darcy Tazes Thor...
This entire scene. :)
When Thor breaks the Bifrost to stop Loki from destroying Jotunheim...
Captain America: The First Avenger:
When Steve Rogers leaps on that grenade!!!
When Steve gives zero cares about orders and goes on an op
that saves hundreds of POWs - including Bucky...
This scene after he loses Bucky and he's trying to get drunk...
When he gives zero cares about Red Skull...
When he has to put the ship in the water. :(
The Avengers:
Ugh! There are too many good scenes in the Avengers! I'll do my best to only choose five of the best... even though I could pretty much post the entire movie and say, "I loved it all!" But the best scenes, IMHO:
When this old man refused to kneel to Loki...
When Natasha "re-calibrates" Hawkeye...
When Coulson DIES!!!
When Tony flies the nuke into the portal...:'(
Iron Man 3:
Every time Tony has a panic attack :(
This totally sweet scene...
When he loses Jarvis...
When he demonstrates some pretty sick moves in this fight...
When he saves Pepper and calls her "Honey." :)
Thor: The Dark World:
Frigga's Funeral.
Followed closely by THIS SCENE!!
Thor's grief at Loki's death...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
This start to a beautiful friendship...
This entire fight scene, but especially that knife flip. :)
This Steve epicness...
Avengers: Age of Ultron:
Adorable Steve Rogers being adorable...
Tony, reminding me so much of myself here... :)
When Bruce and Natasha were suddenly PERFECT together...
Clint in this scene: "Nobody would know."
When Quicksilver saves Hawkeye...
When Scott gets out of prison...
When he introduces himself to the Falcon...
When these guys come roaring to Scott's aid,
only to be faced with a phalanx of cops...
When he goes subatomic to save his daughter...
Captain America: Civil War:
This movie had more scenes that broke my heart than probably any other MCU movie out there. I think it's because Steve and Tony are my GUYS, and having them angry at each other was the hardest thing in the world. Steve is the man who is already on the moral high ground and who we aspire to become, and Tony is the man who gives us the hope of attaining that moral high ground by conquering ourselves more and more each day. I couldn't stand to see them fighting.
So this is more a collection of favourite bro scenes/scenes that broke my heart (there are more pictures here because there were too many good ones NOT to post...):
This scene, when Tony and Steve were still BESTIES!! :(
Peggy's funeral...
When freakin' Zemo reactivates Bucky, and he goes on a rampage...
When lines are drawn...
"I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart!"
"You did that when you signed."
Bucky not believing his worth...
When Rhodey gets hurt...:(
When Steve and Bucky take cover behind the shield. :)
When Tony sees this footage...
Which understandably incenses him...
...Which leads to this awful scene, where Steve is forced to fight a friend to save a friend.
This very epic, but very heartbreaking moment...
And finally, the last scene, where hopefully the healing has
started and they can find a way back to their friendship.
And that's all for now, folks! I hope that put you back in the mood to rewatch all the Avengers movies (in order, of course!) and get totally caught up in the character development again.
Until next time, that's a wrap!
God bless!