Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wherein I Find I Have Nothing To Say.

The problem is, I open a new blog post to write something brilliant, and it occurs to me I have the most boring life in the world, and why would you want to read about it?  I feel like I'm going chatty-chatty-chatty, and all my readers are like:


So I'm just going to do a random list of things that have been happening around here since Christmas.

The entire family got attacked by influenza.

I protest the fact the doctors seem to have a hard time enunciating on their dictaphones. Seriously, would it be that hard to invest in a new one every two years?

After revising (twice) a new story is just about ready for critiques!

I am super excited about Sherlock Season 3 staring up tomorrow.

My stupid phone won't charge.  It is a source of great desolation to me.

I prefer my own food to eating out. In my humble opinion, my food tastes better than restaurant food.

I finished the first season of Arrow.




I feel I don't exercise enough anymore.

And I have now run out of random things to say.


Until next time...

God bless!!


  1. Homemade food is always better than restaurant food.

    I KNOW! Isn't it horrible, watching all those cool action movies with heroes and everything, and you see them excersizing and working hard and running miles and doing other insane things, and you realize those five sit ups you were so proud of....really aren't all that fantastic anymore.

    HAVE YOU SEEN SERIES THREE YET?! I am hunting it down but I haven't been able to find it but on Youtube. I think I am just going to watch it on there, it is getting hard to dodge spoilers since it has finally come to the States.

    Your life is anything but boring, so there 8-P I love reading about it.

    1. I saw the first episode of Series Three on some link that was sent to one of my other sisters, and it was BRILLIANT! Like, ten stars kind of brilliant. We are (hopefully) going to watch the next episode on Sunday. It was SO DARN GOOD!!!

      I'm glad you think my life is unboring. It definitely doesn't feel worth talking about. :P

  2. Okay, I actually laughed out loud over the Chuck Norris joke.

    And Arrow does make me want to work out again. *sigh*

    DEAN GIF!!!!!!!!!

    1. I know, it's that FACE. The gritted teeth, red eye face when he sees the Chuck Norris bacterium. It's a face of horror.

      It was a good gif. I won't apologize for using it here.

  3. I don't like to work out at all, even when I see Arrow like people doing it. I just want to eat more cookies. You should eat more cookies, it makes working out look not as much fun.


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*whispers* It's actually a TARDIS comment box! If you write long enough, you'll see... it's bigger on the inside!

Isn't that cool?

Now that you know that, aren't you going to throw a comment in there? You KNOW you want to. :)

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