Sunday, January 27, 2013


Grand Opening!

My Etsy Shop, Cat In The Corner, is now open. I have some items in the shop already, and some more that I'm finishing up to post, so by the end of today, or sometime tomorrow, there will be three more items in the shop.

Eventually, I will get a lovely banner at the top of my shop, so that it looks really cool and professional. Or at least, cute. Won't that be fun!?!

Right now there's only Doctor Who stuff in the shop, because that's what my family's been into, so I've been making a lot of that. However, I've also got a Phantom of the Opera idea in my head, and of course, wee writing dragons and flowers, and things like that. 

Until next time, I'll talk to you later! Hoopla and hurrah, and all that craziness. :)

God bless! Thanks for tuning in.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Bit Of Happy (scary!) News :-)

I'm a bit scared, and there's a small ball of panic in my stomach, but I just wanted to share with you all that I have an Etsy account now!

I set it up, and felt like this:
Eheheheheheheh! Does anyone see how clever I am?

Then I was like:

Then, of course, because I am a self-doubter, I turned into this:
Omigosh, what did I just do?

Now I'm feeling pretty good, and I'm going to try posting my "products" tomorrow. It's a very weird but happy emotion. I haz a shoppe!

It is not open yet. Do not go looking for it. When I'm ready to officially open my Shop, I will let youse all know, with fireworks and celebrations.

Stay tuned. (Eheheheheheh... in my best Loki laugh)

And now, a ream of wild and not altogether cohesive pictures...

And that's all! God bless, and have a Fantastic Life!


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Six-Sentence Saturday 01/19/2013

It has been a WHILE since I've done this, haven't I? Apologies, but oh well. Here we go! Be warned, it's going to be an odd post, because of the things I've started to be interested in. This ought to be interesting! :)

1.) Suddenly, I'm a Whovian... mostly because of THIS Doctor:

2.) I've also been on a LEVERAGE high, and a WHITE COLLAR high. I so love Eliot Spencer from Leverage, and I I freakin' LOVE Agent Peter Burke on White Collar, though Neal Caffrey is pretty cool, too.
Eliot Spencer

(Peter is the guy on the left, with the official FBI badge. Neal is the guy with the star)

3.) I am not enjoying any of the YA books I've been reading. (Sorrows)

4.) I made four pairs of TARDIS earrings for a family at my church, who are ALSO into Doctor Who. They are cute earrings too, if I do say so myself.

5.) I did a total fangirl thing and bought a Thorin keychain at Barnes and Noble last week!

6.) I also bought the Doctor Who soundtrack and the Hobbit soundtrack when I went to Barnes and Noble. They are AWESOME!!!

That's all I've got for today, except I really love this song from Doctor Who, and this song from the Hobbit. (I just wish the Hobbit Song went on a little longer.) 

Enjoy! God bless!! Have a great weekend. :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

HOOT HOOT! Hullo There. :)

It's Monday.

Sometimes I look at Monday with fondness.

Other days, I look at it in supreme horror.

Today, I think I'm looking at it with confidence and contentment.

After all, some of my best mates are off work today ("mates" here meaning "sisters), and we are going to jaunt around Reno having fun and stopping at bookstores and clothing stores, looking for boots and TV shows. Fun, right?

You betcha!! We're going to scream down the hill, singing songs loudly and whizzing into stores with supreme confidence, speaking in British accents and lawfing when people look at us funny.

Okay, maybe not laughing quite THAT emphatically, but still....

When we get back home I'm going to work on some drawings, write some stories, browse Pinterest for hours, watch YouTube videos of the Piano Guys and Josh Groban, and read. Later, I may watch a TV show. Right now, I'm sort of into White Collar, (except I did not like the second episode in Season Three and am eyeing the rest of the season dubiously. I hope they don't continue going down THAT road.)

I'm also into British fillums, so I may tune into Merlin and start watching that season.
See, I've finished all of Doctor Who, from Eccleston to Smith (except for the special when Tennant regenerates into Smith. Who thought it would be a good idea to have the regeneration on a SPECIAL, instead of actually ending his season WITH that?!?!? LAME!) and I haven't seen any of Season 7 with Matt Smith. I'm terrified of the moment when he's going to lose the Ponds, and get Clara instead. I've seen positive comments about Clara, but... but... but... she's not RORY and AMY POND! I don't like her, and I haven't even seen her. How judgemental is that? Anyway, so I've finished all Doctor Who, and I'm desperately needing MORE BBC. I just really love British accents. Muchly.

So, I want to watch Merlin, and there's this two-part series called Neverland that looks really, really good too.

So, that's my agenda for today. What's on your mind?

Until next time, have a lovely day, week, month, year! God bless.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Tolkien!

How cool that Tolkien's birthday is STILL being celebrated by those nerdy enough to care? Today is just a day to give a nod of thanks to the great man who gave us:





Happy Birthday, Tolkien! Thank you for the stories!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone, and hope your New Year is brilliant and well worth the waiting for.

We had a lovely, lovely Christmas. One of my favourite pressies that I received was the Piano Guys Album.
I absolutely LOVE these guys and their songs, so this was possibly one of the most thrilling gifts ever. They are some of my most favourite musicians. They LOVE their music!!

I also got a couple Trina Schart Hyman books, which was AWESOME because she is such an amazing artist, and probably my biggest inspiration for my own drawing breakthroughs:

 AND one of my sisters got me The Hobbit Visual Companion!!!!

Now we're celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas, which culminates on January Sixth, the Feast of the Epiphany. In my family, we traditionally save one pressie from Christmas, and leave it under the tree for the entire twelve days of Christmas, and then on the Epiphany the Wise Men come and leave one more gift under the tree. We have a Little Christmas on that day, and celebrate with the Christmas breakfast of orange juice, coffee, and sausages on potato rolls. Yumminess!!

This tradition, for us, started twenty-one years ago. My Grandpa died that year, and my mom went home to stay with her mom during Christmas. She took the baby with her, who was not quite three months old at the time. That was the only time we were not a complete family at Christmas. So, all us kids decided to save one present, so that when Mom came back home after the New Year, we could celebrate a little Christmas with her on the Epiphany. That tradition has continued ever since.

Happy New Year, and God bless all of you!

Love and prayers,


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