Saturday, August 11, 2012

Six-Sentence Saturday 08/11/2012

Aaaaaaaaaaaand....'s another Saturday for Cat! Here's what I'm thinking today:

1.) You can get addicted to shows like Cake Boss
2.) Also, Cupcake Wars.
3.) Did you know the craft store Michael's sells little jeweler's anvils?
4.) It's amazing that it's almost the middle of August already.
5.) Did you know boo-boos go to sleep at night? I didn't.
6.) Raise your hand if those verification words you have to type in when commenting on a blog post drive you CRAZY!

Also, I don't know if you are familiar with this song:

It's actually a pretty song, and I rather like it. For some reason, though, it lends itself beautifully to parodies.
I hope you enjoy the two songs posted below... and above, for that matter. God bless!


  1. LOL I've never heard the Ebay parody before. :) I likey

    1. Innit funny? "(Tell me why-ee?) I bid on Shatner's old toupee / They had it on eBay!"

  2. LOL yes, those words drive crazy too!

    1. I totally hate them. Useless, they are. In my opinion, anyway, they are!

  3. Oh my gosh, thank you for the laugh today, Cat. I just finished sobbing my way through a heart-wrenching book (Waiting by Carol Lynch Williams) so I really needed something to help me lighten up. Isn't Tim Hawkins awesome?! When I first discovered him I spent large parts of a day or two watching everything I could find on YouTube from him.
    And the ebay song is a laugh too. Ebay can sooo become an addiction. (I'm glad I'm over that.) ;)

    1. I stalked youtube videos of Tim Hawkins too, when I first discovered him. He is one comedian that can always get me to laugh.

  4. Raising hand! I can't stand word verifications. They are a time suck in my opinion. Some are so hard to read and I have to guess three times before it accepts it. Grrr.

    1. I just loathe them. I mean, if you are moderating them and don't post until you've "approved" them, do you REALLY need us to verify that we're not robots? And you're right. It's really hard to tell when the letter is an m, or an rn, or ri, or whatever.


See my comment box? Want to know a secret?

*whispers* It's actually a TARDIS comment box! If you write long enough, you'll see... it's bigger on the inside!

Isn't that cool?

Now that you know that, aren't you going to throw a comment in there? You KNOW you want to. :)

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